Cultural Making In Brazil

Project Dates: 2020-Present

The Cultural Making initiative focuses on and elevates culture within maker activities in different countries and regions. As part of this initiative, the TLTL has begun a research project in Brazil to document, systematize, and reflect on the different forms of Brazilian “making” and how it can be mobilized in education. We prioritize traditionally marginalized communities, such as quilombolas (Afro-Brazilian communities), rural and indigenous populations, and residents in regions that are poorly represented in the media and in the national imagination (see Research Areas for further details). We have partnered with a team of local researchers in several regions of Brazil to document and focus on the following: “making” practices in diverse communities; how those practices represent culturally-specific ways of thinking, acting, building; and the implications for the creation and dissemination of local knowledge.

After an open call with more than 350 applicants in 2021, we selected experienced ethnographers, anthropologists, educators, and community activists from different regions of Brazil, and with extensive experience in community-based research–some living in the communities themselves. They have been collecting data, establishing relationships, and need-finding for the last several months. Read more below about our team of researchers, their research foci, and the communities in which they work and study.

Thiago Cancelier Dias

Thiago works with an indigenous community located in Maranhão, Brazil. In particular, he studies how these communities plan and build their dwellings and villages.

Joana Corrêa

Joana works with traditional communities. She studies rituals and symbolism, traditional knowledge, cultural heritage and public policies.

Lorena França

Lorena is an anthropologist working with Amazonian indigenous peoples, especially from the Upper Negro River (Northwest Brazilian Amazon). She studies ethnology, food anthropology, anthropology of techniques, biodiversity, local knowledge, and public policy.

Éliton Meireles de Moura

Eliton’s work focused on the ingenious informal design, engineering, and production practices that take place in Brazil’s samba schools (community organizations that prepare Carneval displays), especially within São Paulo.

Aline Santiago

Aline works with the [which?] community located in [where?]. In her work, she focused on [her focus].

Romaro Silva

Romaro is a mathematics educator who pursues ethnomathematics with quilombola communities in Amapá-Brazil.  At TLTL he has been researching the cultural activities of ceramics artisans in the Quilombo Santa Luzia do Maruanum-in the state of Amapá, Brazil.


Paulo Blikstein

Jose Valente (UNICAMP)

Raquel Coelho

Éliton Meireles de Moura

Livia Macedo



Funding is provided by the Lemann Foundation



For more information, please contact Paulo Blikstein (