News And Updates

  • Novo edital para pesquisadores em IA

    O que as pesquisas mais recentes já revelam sobre o uso de IA na educação? Quais os desafios acerca da privacidade e propriedade dos dados? Quais são as principais políticas públicas já implementadas ou em implementação relacionadas à IA na educação, especialmente no contexto do......

  • Yipu Zheng

    This TC Student Designed an Award Winning AI Tool for Project-Based Learning

    Yipu Zheng, from TC’s Transformative Learning Technologies Lab, won grants from the Learning Engineering Tools Competition and from Columbia’s School of Engineering TEACHERS COLLEGE NEWSROOM October 14, 2024 ChatGPT was released to the world in the middle of Yipu Zheng’s dissertation research, which explored how......

  • NYSCI collaboration with TLT Lab Data Science

    TLT Lab Collaborates With the New York Hall of Science to Immerse Middle Schoolers in Data Science

    New York, NY. The TLT Lab at Teachers College is partnering with the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) in the development of a 2.5 year project to immerse middle schoolers in the field of data science. NYSCI is a hands-on science center and museum......

  • Photos: Dongho Shin

    Building the Future of Hands-On Learning

    At the Constructionism / FabLearn 2023 conference, led in part by TC’s Paulo Blikstein and Nathan Holbert, educators continued forging new frontiers TEACHERS COLLEGE NEWSROOM December 4, 2023 The days of textbook memorization and tech-free science experiments are over. Or at least they should be.......

  • TLTL / TC to Partner with Columbia on Climate Change Education Initiatives Funded by the National Science Foundation

    TC to Partner with Columbia on Climate Change Education Initiatives Funded by the National Science Foundation The $25 million grant funds a new Columbia research center that will receive support from Teachers College faculty on developing climate change programming for NYC public schools   TC......

  • Helping Students Model Their Own Theories

    With a $2 million NSF grant, TC’s Paulo Blikstein hopes to turn kids into investigators TEACHERS COLLEGE NEWSROOM Joe Levine August 7, 2020 The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), introduced in 2013, were hailed for their potential to transform K-12 students into “mini-scientists” who could learn core concepts......

  • TC Researchers Build COVID Protective Equipment for Healthcare Professionals

    Faculty and students at two TC research labs have teamed up with a local business to make and distribute shields and other gear to provide personal protection for doctors who intubate COVID patients TEACHERS COLLEGE NEWSROOM Joe Levine May 29, 2020 You’re a doctor in......

  • Paulo Blikstein: Research Developed at Universities is Vital for the Functioning of Society

    For the expert in new technologies, investment and valorization of research must be on the agenda of higher education leaders and the Brazilian government   REVISTA ENSINO SUPERIOR (Brazil) May 06, 2020 (Google translated, original Portuguese text below.) How to build a leading university for......

  • Will Coronavirus Infect Education Too?

    The risk of a radical shift to online learning after the crisis ends By NICHOLAS WASSERMAN, NATHAN HOLBERT and PAULO BLIKSTEIN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS APR 08, 2020  With the coronavirus pandemic, every educational institution is rapidly converting to online education. This ubiquitous incorporation of technology is an enormous......

  • AI in Education Conference

    A Topic that Pushes Buttons Sparks fly at TC’s conference on the future of artificial intelligence in education TC Newsroom Sept. 20, 2019 Joe Levine Is artificial intelligence (AI) the “killer app” that educators have been waiting for, or just an over-hyped “next big thing”?......

  • TLTLab Collaborates with a Brazilian Public Education System to Revamp Science Education

    Sobral, Brazil. Science education has been undergoing important transformations around the world, moving from content transmission models to the integration of scientific practices such as asking questions, analyzing data and building models. Since 2017 a team of researchers from TLTLab are working with educators from......

  • Where Are They Now? TLTL Alumni Worsley and Schneider

    The TLT Lab is a collaborative endeavor that depends on the expertise and contributions of many partners, fellows, academics, researchers, and students to advance the innovative learning technology that it aims to study and implement. Among these collaborators are two former TLTL doctoral students, Marcelo......

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