An eye for detail: techniques for using eye tracker data to explore learning in computer-mediated environments

Author: Worsley, M. & Blikstein, P.
Year: 2012
Project: Multimodal Learning Analytics
Conference/Journal: ICLS 2012

Worsley, M. & Blikstein P. (2012). An eye for detail: techniques for using eye tracker data to explore learning in computer-mediated environments. In the Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012).


This paper describes two methods for analyzing student gaze in computer-mediated learning applications. More specifically, we demonstrate how to use eye-tracking data from an agent based modeling study to identify meaningful patterns in student learning processes. We do this by using techniques from network analysis and natural language processing which allow us to identify statistically significant differences among our two conditions. Finally, we conclude by motivating a larger study that will further utilize these techniques.