Gomes, J. Yassine, M., Worsley, M., Blikstein, P. (2013) Analysing
Engineering Expertise of High School Students Using Eye Tracking and
Multimodal Learning Analytics. In Proceedings of the Educational Data
Mining 2013 (EDM ’13). Memphis, TN, USA. 375-377.
In this paper, we describe results from a pilot study designed to understand the differences in eye tracking patterns between students with low and high performance in three engineering-related computer games that require spatial ability and visual imagery. In the first game, gears and chains had to be connected until all gears spun. In the second game, students had to ensure that no two lines were intersecting. In the last game, students placed gears in specific places to put objects on the screen in motion. Scientific literature establishes that these abilities are related with math learning and math performance and understanding differences in visual processing and attention dedicated to spatial stimuli can be helpful in making positive interventions in science education.