William Rand, Paulo Blikstein, and Uri Wilensky. 2008. GoGoBot: group collaboration, multi-agent modeling, and robots. In Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems: demo papers (AAMAS ’08). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 1715-1716.
Multi-agent simulation is a powerful technique used to encode real-world simple rules in virtual agents and then simulate their interactions [1]. Participatory simulations are similar to multi-agent simulation except individuals play the role of virtual agents, sometimes in combination with these virtual agents [2]. Finally, the bifocal modeling framework has enabled the examination of agents embodied in physical entities using sensors and actuators [3]. All three of these technologies are concerned with the creation, manipulation, and development of agents in one form or another. Thus combining these three disparate systems in to one unified platform would be useful. Multi-agent simulation platforms, participatory simulations, and bifocal modeling have all been demonstrated separately in the past. However many extant systems are difficult if not impossible to integrate.