MLA’14: Third Multimodal Learning Analytics Workshop and Grand Challenges

Author: Ochoa, X., Worsley, M., Chiluiza, K., & Luz, S.
Year: 2014
Project: Multimodal Learning Analytics
Type: Refereed Conference Paper/Poster/Demo (with Proceedings)
Conference/Journal: MLA 2014

Ochoa, X., Worsley, M., Chiluiza, K., and Luz, S. (2014). MLA’14: Third Multimodal Learning Analytics Workshop and Grand Challenges. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 531-532.



This paper summarizes the third Multimodal Learning Analytics Workshop and Grand Challenges (MLA’14). This subfield of Learning Analytics focuses on the interpretation of the multimodal interactions that occurs in learning environments, both digital and physical. This is a hybrid event that includes presentations about methods and techniques to analyze and merge the different signals captured from these environments (workshop session) and more concrete results from the application of Multimodal Learning Analytics techniques to predict the performance of students while solving math problems or presenting in the classroom (challenges sessions). A total of eight articles will be presented in this event. The main conclusion from this event is that Multimodal Learning Analytics is a desirable research endeavour that could produce results that can be currently applied to improve the learning process.