Forrest Stonedahl, David Weintrop, Paulo Blikstein, and Christine Shannon. 2013. NetLogo: teaching with turtles and crossing curricular boundaries (abstract only). In Proceedings of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (SIGCSE ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 763-763.
This workshop, intended for CS educators from middle school through undergrad, will introduce participants to NetLogo. NetLogo is an easy-to-learn multi-agent language and integrated modeling environment in widespread use in classrooms (and research labs) globally. This hands-on tutorial will highlight computational modeling in the natural and social sciences, tie in core computer science concepts, and discuss how to promote student thinking about decentralized systems. The workshop will draw on the presenters’ own experiences teaching courses on computational science, computational art, theory of computation, and educational outreach events. Participants will learn first-hand how NetLogo can enrich a variety of computing courses. NetLogo runs on Mac/Linux/Windows. Laptop required.