Process Pad: a multimedia multi-touch learning platform

Author: Kim, J., Meltzer, C., Salehi, S. & Blikstein, P.
Year: 2011
Type: Refereed Conference Paper/Poster/Demo (with Proceedings)
Conference/Journal: ITS 2011

Jain Kim, Colin Meltzer, Shima Salehi, and Paulo Blikstein. 2011. Process Pad: a multimedia multi-touch learning platform. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 272-273.



This paper introduces Process Pad, an interactive, low-cost multi-touch tabletop platform designed to capture students’ thought process and facilitate their explanations. The goal of Process Pad is to elicit students’ think-aloud narratives that would otherwise be tacit, in other words, “learn to explain,” and “explain to learn.” Our focus is on identifying and understanding key design factors in creating opportunities for students to externalize and represent their mental models using multimodal data. From our user observations, we gleaned four design principles as essential criteria based upon which we refined our design: flexibility, tangibility, collaboration and affordability.