The TLT Lab is a collaborative endeavor that depends on the expertise and contributions of many partners, fellows, academics, researchers, and students to advance the innovative learning technology that it aims to study and implement. Among these collaborators are two former TLTL doctoral students, Marcelo Worsley and Bertrand Schneider, who are now both Assistant Professors making significant contributions in their respective fields.
Marcelo Worsley is currently an Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences and Computer Science at Northwestern’s School of Education and Social Policy and the McCormick School of Engineering. He leads the Technological Innovations for Inclusive Learning and Teaching Lab, a group that researches the use of technology to improve learning for students from underserved communities. Some of the lab’s projects include: implementation of makerspaces in classrooms throughout Chicago, use of Minecraft as a learning tool, and development of devices for multimodal learning analytics. At Northwestern, he teaches courses on the design of learning technology and media, as well as inclusive making.
Worsley was with the TLTL for 5 years, completing his PhD in 2014 at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education. Worsley’s research has focused primarily on the invention of a new methodological field, multimodal learning analytics (MMLA), and promoting STEM education for underserved communities, “My objective is not that all students necessarily pursue STEM careers. Instead, I want for students to realize their agency as innovators and inventors and use that lens to critically examine the world around them”.
Selected Worseley research publications while at TLTL:
Worsley, M.* & Blikstein, P. (2017). A Multimodal Analysis of Making. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 1-35. doi: 10.1007/s40593-017-0160-1.
Worsley, M.* & Blikstein, P. (2017). On the origins of students’ ideas: Identifying reasoning strategies in the context of engineering design with everyday materials. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research.
Blikstein, P. & Worsley, M.* (2016). Multimodal Learning Analytics and Education Data Mining: using computational technologies to measure complex learning tasks. Journal of Learning Analytics, 3 (2), pp 220-238.
Blikstein, P. & Worsley, M. (2016). Children are not Hackers: Building a culture of powerful ideas, deep learning, and equity in the Maker Movement. In K. Peppler, E. Halverson, and Y. Kafai (Eds.), Makeology: Makerspaces as Learning Environments (Volume 1) (pp. 64-79), New York, NY: Routledge.
Bertrand Schneider is currently an Assistant Professor of Education at Harvard University where he teaches courses on multimodal learning analytics (MMLA), rapid prototyping of educational products, and making and digital fabrication in education. There he leads the Learning Innovation and Technology Lab whose projects include the use of Augmented Reality to enhance making and promote learning collaboration.
TLTL Faculty Director Paulo Blikstein was part of Schneider’s dissertation committee, and Schneider came to the TLTL full-time in 2015 as a postdoc after earning his PhD in 2015 in the Learning Sciences and Technology Design program (LSTD) at Stanford University. While at the TLTL, he focused his research on multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) which uses high-frequency sensors and data mining to track students’ behaviors, “I situate my work at the intersection of psychology, education, interface design data mining”, Bertrand notes.
Selected Schneider research publications while at the TLTL:
Schneider, B.* & Blikstein, P. (2018). Tangible User Interface and Contrasting Cases As A Preparation For Future Learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-018-9730-8
Schneider, B.* & Blikstein (2016). Using exploratory tangible user interfaces for supporting collaborative learning of probability. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 9(1), 5-17.
Schneider, B.* & Blikstein, P. (2015). Unraveling students’ interaction around a tangible interface using multimodal learning analytics. jEDM-Journal of Educational Data Mining, 7(3), 89-116.
We thank Bertrand and Marcelo for their valuable contributions to the TLTL and congratulate them on their continuing work and contributions to education.